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Dec 31, 2020

Petroleum jelly products have been part of the American skincare market for 100 years. It’s been marketed as a makeup remover, a skin moisturizer and even a salve for cuts and burns. Even if you think of Vaseline as something your grandmother used, you’d be surprised how many products still contain petroleum jelly....

Dec 29, 2020

Have you ever wondered why you start to feel really crappy after eating a fast-food value meal?

Sure, the fats and sugars are affecting your digestive system, but what’s happening in your brain? If we started paying attention to how certain foods affect our moods and emotional health, maybe it would be easier to...

Dec 24, 2020

House fires are terrifying. Believe me, I know. So trying to protect our home and family from fires seems entirely understandable.

5-10% of the total weight of your living room couch is made up of chemical flame retardants. However, chemical flame retardants are toxic to our health and don’t even offer the protection...

Dec 22, 2020

Starting a business isn’t just about making money and becoming successful. Sure, it can be a little bit about those things. But, ultimately, the biggest reward of entrepreneurship is when you’re able to help others, as well as yourself. And the journey is never easy.

Rodrigo Figueiredo is helping me save the world...

Dec 17, 2020

Pain can be incredibly inconvenient. But what we seem to forget is that pain is our body’s way of alerting us to a problem. Or it can be part of the natural healing process. This is not to say that chronic pain can’t be incredibly debilitating. However, we need to stop reaching for that cheap bottle of...