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Jan 21, 2021

Tea is an amazing way to utilize the health benefits of plants. I drink tea daily, and you should, too. But do we really want to soak a bag made of who-knows-what in hot water and drink it?  Folks, it’s time to talk about store-bought tea bags.

Welcome to Fatal Conveniences

This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health, and the health of the environment around us.

I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. 

So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you.

Most store-bought tea bags are made of layered plastic.

Yes, your healthy green, black and other herbal teas come in a bag full of toxic plastic. Then you’re seeping this plastic bag into hot water as its toxins leak into the liquid. You’re drinking plastic tea! This is terrible, guys. Tea is a healthy product. And we’re transforming it into something unhealthy. Why? Because it’s cheaper for companies to make a leak-free bag out of plastic than other materials. This is just silly.

In this segment, I’m going to break down how and why tea bags are made with toxic plastic and what it’s doing to your body.  I don’t want you to stop drinking tea, I just want you to be aware of better alternatives. I prefer using a stainless steel mesh tea ball or just making loose leaf teas. But there are some amazing tea companies out there making safe tea bags, so I’ll tell you all about those, too. Listen up, guys, it’s tea time.

Other info in this segment:

The history of tea bags

What chemicals lurk in the tea bag materials

The major brands to avoid

The majesty that is loose leaf tea

Tea balls

Responsible brands that make safe tea bags

Links & Resources:

Video: How to Test Your Tea Bags for Plastic

Plastic teas release billions of microparticles 

Time Magazine: A Brief History of the Tea Bag

BBC News: Microplastics

Video: What Tea Bags Brands Contain Plastic? 

Traditional Medicinals



The Republic of Tea

Stash Tea

Yogi Tea

Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer

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